Behind the Craft: What Goes Into Creating One-of-a-Kind Jewelry

  Jewelry is more than just an accessory—it’s a story, a memory, and a legacy brought to life through expert artistry. At its core, every custom design is a labor of love, crafted with intention, precision, and creativity. Let’s take you behind the scenes to explore the journey of creating one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces that are Read More

Birthstones: Meaning, History, and Unique Jewelry Ideas

  Birthstones are timeless treasures that connect us to history, symbolism, and personal identity. Rooted in ancient traditions and steeped in meaning, these gems make for thoughtful gifts and cherished keepsakes, each month carrying its own special stone. Whether celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or milestone, incorporating a birthstone into a jewelry design adds a meaningful Read More

Why Heirloom Renewal Matters: Transforming Family Jewelry into Modern Treasures

Family heirlooms carry immense sentimental value. Whether it’s your grandmother’s engagement ring or a necklace passed down through generations, these pieces hold rich histories and cherished memories. However, as styles evolve, many of these beloved treasures are left sitting in jewelry boxes, their beauty hidden and their significance forgotten. That’s where Liza Shtromberg Jewelry’s Heirloom Read More

Hand – Engraved Jewelry: The Art of Personalization & Craftsmanship

    In a world where mass-produced jewelry dominates the market, there’s something truly special about owning a piece that has been thoughtfully handcrafted, etched with intricate details, and personalized just for you. Hand-engraved jewelry stands out as the pinnacle of craftsmanship, blending artistry with personal expression. At Liza Shtromberg Jewelry, we take pride in Read More

Book Your Custom Engagement Ring Consultation Today!

It’s Time to Book Your CUSTOM ENGAGEMENT RING Consultation! Aries season is upon us and its classic birthstone is here as a reminder for your proposal! Although these days many people are opting for stones such as emeralds or sapphires as the center stone for engagement rings, there’s still a grand number of those who Read More

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

March is a month of past endings and new beginnings when we say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring. It’s a wonder that Aquamarine is March’s birthstone with its vibrant and sparkling hues of bright blue. The bright color reminds us of clear, blue skies and blooming flowers. But enough about relishing in the Read More